Pallets and wood packaging materials are an essential component for transporting and storing stackable products. They are also highly sought after and valuable for a variety of after-market products.
Our shredders are extremely tolerant to contamination often found when processing this type of waste and have proven themselves as an excellent machine to viably process this waste stream.
Find the right shredder
Pallets and other packaging products like wooden crates have a limited lifespan because of the demands of transporting products from place to place. The metal fasteners used vary, depending on the weight of the goods being transported, and present a unique challenge when processing them at the end of their useful life.
UNTHA Shredders are capable of safely liberating this steel during the shredding process and allow you to effectively separate them after they leave the shredding chamber with overband and head pulley magnets. This allows you to use this ferrous separated clean material for premium aftermarket uses like low moisture fuel and agricultural or landscape markets.
The solution
Adapted to your exact requirements, our shredders can achieve throughput capacities from 1,000 lbs/h up to 2,900 lbs/h (500 kg/h up to 1,300 kg /h) (roughly equivalent to 30 to 75 pallets per hour).
Our 1-shaft LR-class shredders have proven themselves over several decades.
We modify the machines to suit your wishes and requirements – from the feed system and metal separation through to the removal system, we can always find the best shredding solution for you.