Pulper ropes represent a special kind of waste. They accumulate during paper production - or, more precisely, during waste paper recycling.
Half of these so-called rejects typically consist of metal, which is why processing them is particularly difficult and challenging.
With our XR shredders, we offer you a tried and tested, single-step shredding solution.

Find the right shredder

When waste paper is recycled, reject pulper ropes are created. While this waste stays in the pulper, it absorbs a mixture of different contaminants such as plastics, metals, paper fibers, etc. Because of this, the pulper ropes must be disposed of as efficiently as possible.
The most effective form of reject disposal is to process them as alternative fuels.
Placing the pulper ropes directly into the XR hopper using an overhead crane has proven to be an extremely efficient loading method.
The “C” rotor with 2-rows of cutters and the High Torque gearbox configuration with a 2” hex screen installed has proven to be the most effective way to process them down to a consistent end product size most capable as alternative fuel.
It is then transported away from the shredder with a discharge conveyor. An overband magnet is mounted above this discharge conveyor at a 90 degree angle to separate the steel from the other materials to maximize the value or the shredded material.
The resulting end product has an extremely high calorific value (BTU’s) and is ideal for use in cement kilns or power plants. Because all of the contaminants are removed from the material, it can be reintroduced into the raw material cycle.

The Perfect Solution
The XR Series is an extremely efficient machine for processing pulper ropes in a single pass.
Depending on your plant layout and requirements, we can offer you a stationary or mobile version to meet your local needs.
This is just one of the many advantages that makes the XR Shredder the perfect choice for processing pulper ropes. Don’t just take our word for it…Contact us to talk to other customers who have had a great experience!